The Situation
The OVO Arena Wembley has been using Spotlight to deliver digital ticketing since 2017, with the venue following in The O2’s footsteps by recently delivering 100% of its tickets digitally.
This means that every visitor to the venue enters the venue by app, ensuring a safe and secure ticketing experience for all visitors.
Not only is the app the center of all ticketing, it is also a key commercial tool for the venue – used as a key channel for driving premium sales revenue.
The Solution
Single Sign-On (SSO)
An integrated SSO with the venue’s ticketing provider, enabling customers to login with their existing ticketing account to access their tickets in the app.
Ticket display: Integration of the venue’s digital tickets within the app, complete with fraud prevention functionality and integrated ticket sharing – enabling customers to securely transfer tickets and for the venue to harness significant levels of data.
Native Premium Tickets: Through AudienceView Spotlight’s native commerce tool, the arena is able to sell its premium off-manifest suite inventory through the app.
Alongside the platform’s Audiences tool, the arena is able to take advantage of a potent combination of hyper-personalized communication and an easy native purchase flow.

The Success
The OVO Arena app has seen strong success since its release in 2017, enabling hundreds of thousands of visitors to seamlessly access their tickets through the app on an annual basis.
From a venue perspective, the venue is able to take advantage of the tens of thousands of additional customer email addresses that they are able to access as a result of integrated ticket sharing.
From a commercial perspective, the app is responsible for tens of thousands of pounds in incremental premium sales revenue on an annual basis.
Audience View is extremely proud to deliver these results for The OVO Arena Wembley.