Lessons Learned from a Ticketing Pro

1:00 pm ET
November 2, 2023
Victoria Cairl Live Webinar Twitter Post 1080x1080 2


Join us for an insightful webinar with theater industry veteran, Victoria “Vic” Cairl. As the fall season brings new productions, understanding ticket sales is essential for those in show production. Leveraging her 20+ years of experience, Victoria will share six key lessons she’s learned about selling tickets. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from an expert!

About Victoria Cairl

Victoria “Vic” Cairl has worked in the industry for over twenty years and brings her knowledge of advertising, marketing, sales, ticketing, and tourism to the table. She has held positions at Serino Coyne, TMG, Disney Theatrical, The Met Museum, Lincoln Center, and Show-Score. She has successfully run Table 7 independently since 2019.

About Table 7

Table 7 offers a wide range of consulting services to serve a variety of clients mainly in live entertainment. They can help a regional theatre market their season, help launch a new show, or help choose a new ticketing system. They can also fill the gap in your work flow while you are in the midst of hiring a new position. Table 7 will connect you to the right agencies, freelancers, and other professionals to put your work on center stage. As project leaders and collaborators, they can help you define your goals and find your target audiences. Every show is like a start-up and they are entrepreneurs on a mission to help you tell your story.